I am amazed at how many products there are on the market that are touted to relieve a person from having to avoid their personal food intolerances...not to mention how many methods are purported to identify them.
The connection between consuming foods a person is intolerant to and getting sick is actually pretty simple, albeit the medical explanation of what occurs in the body may be rather complex:
Simply, we are born with food intolerances! It is part of our genetic makeup - our DNA. Our bodies literally do not have the capability of creating the proper environment, such as producing the proper enzymes required, to digest a particular category of food. We have been asked at Song of Health.com if it is possible to take the required enzymes for digesting a particular food group, such as dairy. The answer is, unfortunately, no! The digestive enzyme for dairy is derived from dairy. To take the enzyme, then, would be to ingest the food intolerance.
As consumers and web-surfers, we are constantly bombarded with promises from umpteen companies that their product is the answer to relieving us of the inconvenience of having to avoid our food intolerances. This is simply not so! Granted, there are supplements that can help to temporarily relieve symptoms. The problem with relieving symptoms, however, while continuing to ingest the food intolerance is that cause for distress to the body is not eliminated. Just because the symptoms are masked - such as indigestion, bloating, headache, nausea, etc. – it doesn’t stop the body from reacting to the toxin violating it (the food it is intolerant to). The reaction then goes deeper into the system, and eventually a more severe situation is created. This is when the symptoms of a chronic problem become apparent – lupus, heart disease, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome and pretty much all other diseases known to humans (other than environmental poison).
Choosing to avoid our food intolerances in order to stay healthy is not a curse, nor is it so inconvenient and difficult that we can’t enjoy our lives, thoroughly and happily. It just takes knowing what to avoid and how to do that along with eating fresh, non-processed foods.
Song of Health.com furnishes all the informational tools needed in order to avoid eating food intolerances in a simple and easy manner. There are no gimmicks to maintaining well being and enjoying eating healthy for your own personal diet. With the right knowledge and support from others, it becomes a welcomed lifestyle.